Monday, February 7, 2011

The Bottom Of My Stomach Hurts When I Cough

Spring in New York! Daniel J.

flower roses, tulips bloom and the bees flying from flower to flower, even though the temperature is below freezing and the roads are all covered. From January until spring (the real one) Park Avenue will become a field of flowers, with petals and buds, bees and ladybugs in the shade of the metal shaft. The foundation
Park Avenue Sculpture Committee presents the installation "The Roses" by the sculptor in New York Will Ryman.

The installation includes 38 flowers (with a maximum of 7 meters) from the 57th to 67th street to revive the gray winter with very bright colors, small ants on the petals and thorns giants.

! The size of my flowers is consistent with the majesty of the skyscrapers "- the artist explains," symbols of the city that never sleeps. "


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