overview over the summer again! After the summer holidays ... sigh ... repopulate and start again to improve the bathtub!
have increased and changed some technical equipment:
- finally added the calcium reactor (ocean life BT4) with almost 20 kilograms of coral and connected to a CO2 cylinder 5 kg;
- changed one of the old Tunze with a flow rate of 22,000 liters / h;
- changed multicontroller Tunze simply because it was the fault.
In addition I also added some coral with my purchases in Asti and Milan.
they are!
Trachiphyllia Geoffroy green striped orange!
Tridacna maxima (in my opinion has a great color!)
lokani Acropora (bought to replace the dead for a few months ago rtn); hope that we can get back a beautiful color!
The seller advised me to put in a low light ... We'll see!
Tridacna maxima (I really like her emerald green)
Euphyllia yet (or parancora?), Located in an area with little little little light and power light that touches only occasionally.
Goniopora, it seems that these are examples of breeding more resistant than the catch. For now it is located in an area with little current and little light, it seems like!
Acropora unidentified, even in this dim light. It should be green with the tips .. hopefully.
Hippopus hippopus