then to proceed in order: it all begins with the desire to nominate the premier showgirl, showgirls, starlets in lists for the European. In this regard had been made of the meetings and SB had made promises of a political career more than girls. Click
Future (Gianfranco Fini) complains: the hypothesis is abandoned. Shortly thereafter, the case broke Noemi, a young Neapolitan girl whose birthday party was attended by the premier. From the accounts it is known that the girl could have political or entertainment based on decisions of Popes (so called prime minister). Meanwhile, Veronica Lario said her husband is sick and needs help having regard to his frequent with minors. The first birthday which was that of a young girl of 18 years and previously had been no meetings between her and the prime minister. So far the premier
wobbles a bit but his laughter is not affected, the theory of a plot of the left or Murdoch (depending on the situation), although it seems fanciful to keep.
But in recent days thanks to some wiretaps entrepreneur Bari Tarantini, under investigation for irregularities in health were no new issues to do with our premier and his female acquaintances.
Before you talk a little bit is good to see how to legislate in the interest of telephone tapping is far that disinterested. If the law was already passed, it would not be possible to know anything about this increasingly murky affair. But back to our
Bari contractor who apparently had a role to raise girls pay for the festivities of the premier, some of them spent the night with Viagra Berlusconi.
This comes from the story of D'Addario, escort professional candidate for the municipal lists (PDL want to see what could be one of the eligible candidates for the EU) which he recorded his meetings with the premier.
new look with the impression that they are facing only the tip of the iceberg and that the 10 questions to Prime Minister on the case made by Republic Noemi remain unanswered are only some of the doubts that the conduct of our Prime Minister has raised. Hello Mike.