Mills comes to mind
This would be a good song for the festival of Sanremo, but just ended, apparently, a few came to mind the situation that in the process where Mills was accused of corruption was sentenced to more than 4 years.
But what most interests us is to remember the name of the briber who had paid a cash payment so that the process in the British lawyer declared false. The name of the briber matches that of our premier and unfortunately is not a case of homonymy.
will be an uproar broke out, you say, however, nothing silence. The newspapers and the Italian media, or have not spoken in a very superficial. The uproar erupted abroad and here we were all the front pages for Berlusconi resigned Weltron and took care of grooming Ancelotti for the defeat against Inter in the derby and the draw with Werder Bremen in UEFA.
Hello Mike.
Berlusconi Welcome! After the debacle in Sardinia, Veltroni resigns, irrevocable. Conferenzastampando is now, with his usual tone, with his usual face dog constantly beaten, by the enemies and the "friends" (but D'Alema is really your friend? "What is man? What does" D'Alema? Whiskers or skipper?) . What will happen now no one knows, the only thing certain is that Silvio is still strong, pervasive. Not that much remains to be destroyed, but there is still a little bit to be ground to complete his plan South American (or Putin): block wiretapping and finish to pieces justice. scratch away, then as a single thought will have to climb the hill, then to the sultan until the end of time. And the Italians we really so balls to stand and watch rot Italy live without doing anything? With a new crisis and rampant fascism on the outskirts (oops, has already entered ..) serves a social conscience and social seems dormant for many years and perhaps there never was. Maybe Obama could be importing at least groped to awaken, but would be immediately arrested and sent home as a criminal illegal immigrant. Hello Mike.
Galan and 70 super-slackers
The Minister Brunetta was successful in ensuring that for each day of illness of civil servants was reduced salary . In Specifically, the law states that for every sick day salary will be reduced by € 8 for an usher at the lowest, ten to 20 for an official, from 64 to 77 for a manager. A drain that should deter the truancy.
Without going into details of the initiative that does not convince us for one simple reason: if someone is absent from work because of illness should be penalized? should not discriminate who is not well.
But is there anyone among the civil servants who will not be affected by this measure, it is those 70 directors who sit in the control room of the region led by Giancarlo Galan who are self-exempt: for them there are no sanctions nor deterrent. Their contract guarantees wages by € 100 thousand on the year and does not follow the rules of public administration. A decision that angered the unions. And that has led to write to Renato Brunetta Galan: "The law applies to all" , Brunetta also say it goes to someone else who leads his party. Hello Mike.